Monday, July 19, 2004

The power of the subconscious mind

After experiencing a lot of change in me I now believe that we are what we wanted to be and we will be what we want to be.

Every person has his own pattern of thoughts influenced by so many things around him. The environment, the role models who influence him, his experiences in life , all of them mold his character to a great extent. Especially when he admires certain things and is unable to fulfill them , the strong desire to achieve that particualr thing enters the subconsicous level. As time passes by , through various experiences, or through various encounters, these feelings or cravings get strengthended, faded or modified . Without the knowledge the individual works to achieve what he wanted to and finds himself in the very state he once dreamt of.

I was very surprised to find myself in the same situation I once dreamt of. Right from my food habits, my dressing, my preferences , everything is almost similar to what I always wanted to have. It is amazing to discover the change in me, especially when you try to step five years behind .

Our dormant thoughts are constantly in action trying to achieve waht we aspire for, what we dream for, what we desire for. The positives consequences reinforce our motives while the negatives can have a drastic effect on us. The person can compromise and move to another destination or it may give the person reseliance to achieve what he wants to.

And the ultimatum is the result of the struggles and the processing which goes together.

So it's always good to dream about something which you want to achieve, cos the moment you dream, your subconscious is activated which influences your conscious efforts to achieve your goal.And in case you fail in getting what you dreamt of, believe me it was not worth your effort. You deserved something better or different:).

Friday, July 09, 2004

The relevance of Bindi

Wel, most often I come across very inquisitive and eager minds who want to know a lot about India and our customs. Especially most of them questioned about the significance of bindi.To save my head I did tell them about it's significance which I read when I very young in a monthly book called Wisdom. HoweverI wanted to just check if I was right. To my amazement( or rather dissapointment?) none of my Indian friends knew the answers. So I decided to probe and find out the reason. I found this very interesting article which made me feel proud about our ancestors.
They indeed had a very scientific approach for everything.

Bindi is derived from the Sanskrit word "Bindu" or a drop, it is supposed to signify the mystic third eye of a person and therefore, when properly marked, becomes the central point of the base of the creation itself. It is a symbol of auspiciousness, good fortune and festivity.

Why Bindi?
The very positioning of the bindi is significant. The area between the eyebrows is the seat of latent wisdom. This area is known as the "Agna" (6th chakra) meaning "command". It is said to control various levels of concentration attained through meditation. The central point of this area is the "Bindu" wherein all experience is gathered in total concentration. Tantric tradition has it that during meditation, the "kundalini" - the latent energy that lies at the base of the spine is awakened and rises to the point of sahasrara (7th chakra) situated in the head or brain. The central point, the bindu, becomes therefore a possible outlet for this potent energy. It is believed that the red kumkum lies between the eyebrows to retain energy in the human body.


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