Thursday, May 27, 2004

Sounds funny but true

It seems that Americans luv to label everyone and anyone. Based on the race, based on the ethnicity, based on the place you live, based on your area of weakness; you named it and there is a word for it.But why? In no way does it make one's life easy. It just complicates the lives of people and of course attaches a sort of biased or stereotypical attitude towards it.
In case your child doesn't mingle with anyone then he might be an autistic, in case he finds difficult to concentrate then he/she has ADD( attention deficit disorder). Well,if the person has problems in working on their stuff then learning disabled, if the person is unable to talk freely with others then anxiety problem.Oh God. I am fed up of coming across these labels.

As time passes by they just get embedded in the colloqiual language and are used so commonly that they become a cliche. Ulitmately the salad bowl starts looking like a trash can wherein you find all the differences in an ugly way rather than in a healthy way.Of course agreed that associating a person to a certain condition or a group surely helps in understanding the person more better but most often it only serves as a tool to create more chaos and inferior feeling.
Just like the invention of atom bomb which was actually created to know the benefits of nuclear fission and fusion but is used for destructive purposes the same is with labeling.

This is nothing to do with labelling but more to do with human nature. How the humans try to ease out things and then complicate it further:). Sounds funny but true.

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