Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Musings of my mind

Recent incidents triggered a lot of thinking in me. I was wondering how our culture and our surroundings influence us or infact condition us. These in the long run affect every aspect of each individual, the society and on the whole the economy, the development and all other aspects of a country.

For instance if we consider the Americans , they are very rational in their thinking. They are ready to discard their old system and thinking for anything much better and more productive.And I feel this has an impact on their personal life and in their relationships too. If they are not satisfied with what they undergo they make every attempt to better their situation even if it results in breaking up relationships.In some cases, they are too rational and try to dissolve the relationship which does not provide any satisfaction. Thus their thinking does help them most often but at times results in a loss of peace of mind, especially pertaining to relationships.Thus they have their own positives and negatives.

On the other hand if you consider the typical Indian attitude, they stick to their primitive and the nutured methods continuously with no attempt to change them. The same applies in personal life and in forming family bonds. Everything is so stereotypical. There is a general cult which is followed . Even while making crucial decisions like choosing a career or a life partner most of them compare their fellow friends and use it as a base to dtermine what they want.No one wants to try something different and the ones who attempt it recieve very caustic remarks and have to struggle like a hell.

But the lining in the cloud is that still most of them try to stick to their family bonds which is a good gesture. They want to try and remain in the relationships against all odds. Thus we have our own positives and negatives.

Thus the education system, the trade, even the system of filling in applications whose format still resembles the british times is followed. No one makes a serious attempt to flow with time .Why is it so?
I do not have any offended feelings or biased notions about any culture and this is just my theorem of comparing and understanding my surroundings, they are my musings which force me to process the reasons behind such a cult in thinking.

Does anyone have an answer for this? Do you think I am right?

the fact that you have stated is true.
Indians do not have the tendency to change (for better or for worse)
It can be viewed as complacency, inability to decide or plain loyalty (there is a saying in kannada, the son just keeps watering the plant the father had planted without ever thinking why he is doing it)

Now, one more thing about american society. It looks like it is based on consumerism. It covers their every walk of life. If a person does not improve his buisness, working methods, processes or even social life.. he no longer has the capability to survive.

Moreover, they do not have a history/lineage to bother them while taking their decisions. This self-centeredness gives them the edge in such buisness oriented processes. Since most of their life is that way, change for them is almost necessary.

Whether this is good or bad is personal, but I feel most of us do not welcome change; not because they have moral or philosophical dilemma but simply because they do not like taking risks.
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